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Poznaj swojego nauczyciela angielskiego Rex !

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O mnie
Hello! My students call me Teacher Rex. I have extensive experience teaching young learners across the globe. I have been teaching since 2015. I am confident that my teaching style is effective and I make sure that my student will not only learn but also enjoy our class. Because of my passion for teaching, I can easily connect with my students and make them feel more comfortable which in effect they interact more and share their thoughts in the class. I can't wait to meet you and experience a wonderful class with me. See you!
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Przepraszamy, nauczyciel nie ma wolnych terminów. Prosimy spróbować później
Przepraszamy, nauczyciel nie ma wolnych terminów. Prosimy spróbować później
map markerPhilippines
user languageWysoka biegłość językowa
thumb up123 pozytywnych opinii
students26 aktywnych uczniów
lessons1842 lekcji